
Email Marketing - Autoresponders

When writing your business plan, it makes sense to add a section titled "Email Marketing". If you plan to use an autoresponder script for email marketing, here’s a word of caution: get the correct autoresponder web hosting plan.

Don’t make the same mistake I did as a new entrepreneur. I installed my script in, and used my cheap autoresponder (with "unlimited" bandwidth) to send out a thousand emails one day. That didn't work out real good for me at all----the next day that my account was suspended. All because I "assumed" that there was no limit to the amount of emails that I could send in one day. I learned very quickly that ALL autoresponder providers limit the number of emails you can send in one day based on the level of service you sign up for.

Autoresponder Web Hosting Explained

All of the major autoresponders (iContact, Aweber, Constant Contact) offer these same autoresponder hosting options. Let's take a closer look at the 4 basic types of autoresponder web hosting options out there:

1. Shared Autoresponder Web Hosting – You share the same physical server/machine with thousands of other users. Although the hosting company may advertise “unlimited” bandwidth and space, there are tons of limitations in the fine print which makes that virtually impossible. Most importantly, with a shared hosting account you usually cannot send out more than 200 to 500 emails per day. This is an excellent choice for new business owners just starting their email marketing effort.

2. Reseller Autoresponder Web Hosting – A few resellers share the same server/ machine, and each reseller can create new accounts either for personal use or to be sold. Although you may have additional flexibility with a reseller account, the very fast that you’re still sharing the same resources with other users means that there will probably be some type of limitations on using autoresponder scripts as well. This is a great choice for business owners who want to add another stream of income to their primary business.

3. VPS (Virtual Private Server) Autoresponder Web Hosting – Similar to reseller hosting, a VPS provider has tons of servers and instead of giving you a big part of one server they give you small parts of many servers. That way it created some kind of “private network” for your web hosting accounts. With a VPS you have almost all the freedom you can get with web hosting, and you can host your autoresponder scripts with no problem. A VPS is the best choice for entrepreneurs who already have established their business and are interested in expanding it.

4. Dedicated Autoresponder Web Hosting Server – If you have many websites, then you may want to get a dedicated web server. With a dedicated server the entire machine is yours, and that means what you do does not effect anyone else. You’re free to host your auto-responder script, and the only reason we have ranked a dedicated server lower (at #4) than a VPS is because of the cost. This is strictly for business owners who have many (over 100) websites, and can afford the necessary costs that come with owning their own server.

Autoresponder Web Hosting – Recommendations

So, it’s clear that you should stay away from using a shared hosting account is you plan to install and use your own autoresponder script. A VPS is the best best, and HostGator VPS is a great choice. A VPS can handle multiple accounts as well, and it much cheaper than a pure dedicate server. You get the flexibility you need, without breaking the bank.

Think about what stage (new, intermediate or expanding) your business is in, and choose the best autoresponder web hosting account right from the start to avoid any unwanted problems!

This is the autoresponder I've used for years with absolutely no problems!

~Manifest your Business Solutions and build a better business. The original post is on Manifest Business Solutions © copyright, 2011. Share it freely, but you must link back to this source.
